Earth Defence Olympics
Space Age
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Four Ways of Extinction
We believe that their are only four, high probability ways to wipe out the human race. A huge global apocalyptic war (Suicide). A HUGE meteor (Solar System Cause and Effect).
Eradication or Conquest by an Alien Species: Planets like Earth are diamonds among stones, thus either defend them or lose them.... eventually. Some shall contest this probability but I say where is their evidence that the above probability isn't true.... especially after you consider how many sun's their are in our galaxy, alone. We have substantial evidence in favour of the probability that Mars once had life upon it, and how long ago Mars became a barren waste land. The other probability of mass extinction is an un curable Virus that lay's dormant for years thus infecting the entire population of Earth. The fact that we haven't been found by an evil alien civilization is a wounder for many people. Though we also find it interesting that the first mass UFO sightings happened around the same time of the first atomic explosions. Atomic Explosions can be seen from very far distances (Blue Book). Is it possible that more advanced races with a greater population are waiting for a good enough reason to conquer Earth? Or perhaps we're on a clock, meaning we have been given a certain amount of time to become effective at space warfare or the human race goes into extinction, because we are useless?
Battle Olympics
Just because we the people of Earth haven't been seriously attacked yet doesn't mean that it won't happen sometime in the near or far future. Thus we would like to suggest space battle Olympics. Games played with the primary objective of self improvement and proving what country, religious order, corporation, comprehends the truth. While making sure that each faction uses their own lineage. I.e. Italy would have to use people of Italian linage, Britain would have to use people of British linage. One of the main reasons for this, is that many faiths and ideology's want to convert the entire world to their perspective of reality, when in fact most of these religions and ideology's lack in many respects. Thus battle games would allow the entire world to relies who is creating greatness and who is merely claiming to be effective. Plus a large fleet, of at the ready fighters, would have multiple defense applications. Not only defence of Earth and surrounding solar system, but also the eradication of incoming projectiles (Missiles, hostile landing ships, large meteorites). The ability for a ship to teleport from one solar system into another solar system is a very real technology. Thus we believe that a standing force is essential. Battle Games would help in taking pilots and battle technologies to their ultimate limits. Defense is essential though not enough can be said about ethical expansion, terraform, finding habitual planets and putting Earths flag upon them. Though an advanced space military force is essential, in defend such claims. Though if there is already a sentient alien race upon it then no true claim should be made.
The Battle Olympics could be played for a cash prize like a poker tournament? If a Union, Coalition or country is winning consistently then their entry fee could increase if losing then entry fee lessens. If a team is losing consistently then they could try buying some technological secrets or given a different form of assistance. Battle games should be conducted at random intervals as to best simulate the reality's of war, every three to four years? Perhaps starting out with ten on ten battles then over the years as the masses and the world leaders become more comfortable with the idea of cooperative, ethical, battle games increasing the number of fighters in one battle into the hundreds (keep it real). The ideal is to avoid a global war, brought on by such games because one side believes to have greatest tactical advantage or the other sides attack because of that very reason. At the same time large battles with hundreds of participants is essential and the most realistic simulation of space warfare. Thus a slow process of building up to hundreds of participants is probably the best way. While watching countries that are building a large land force closely. There is a high probability that the battles would be conducted with invisibility technology, thus using special cameras would keep the crowds happy. Why involve civilian crowds and why keep them happy? Well, the revenue generated from advertising, there should be 'some' commercialization and private enterprise involvement. Thus increasing the money for a more powerful Earth Defense Force. The battles should be heavily edited and shown a week or more after the games, thus, again maintaining realism, the footage should never be broadcast into space (such signals going into space could attract unwanted attention). Maintaining a certain level of security is essential. Especially keeping battle secrets a secret (Tactics, Strategy and some technology).
The Games should be conducted and run by the world governments (UN perhaps) thus increasing the effectiveness of defence rather then over emphasis upon money. Technological secrets should be kept closely guarded secrets. Thus ensuring that all counties, Leagues, Coalitions, Unions, push the limits of technology. Clearing a space battlefield of debris should be conducted by neutral machines. Large pieces of ship delivered to the owners, pieces of fragments destroyed within full view of Cameras and Commanding Officers of both combatants. At no time should a battle exceed a probability of death over 3% if the game goes into the 4-5% range the battle should be forfeited to the side not engaging in excessively dangerous tactics. The ideal is to avoid the kind of death that the Romans experienced within the Gladiator games. Some even propose that the gladiator games contributed to the down fall of the Roman empire, medieval Europe learned that minimizing death while perfecting combat is a much higher path, British and French imperialist history is a testament to that truth. Some say that conducting such games could bring down the wrath of an alien race! Though by merely creating defense, brings an alien races fleet to our door steps then their is a high probability that we the people of Earth have been scheduled for extinction. A rational, ethical and good alien race would only bring war to the people of Earth if we decided to build, large deep space vessels, like a capital ship. Thus either we build our defense with small short range fighters and bombers and find out where we stand in the universe or we wait to get crushed and conquered or eliminated by an alien race or a meteorite. We the people of Earth are in a age where we must decided do we choose extinction or survival? do you love your body and the people and animals that you interact with? Are the people and beings of planet Earth worth it? Are we able to achieve immortality? or do we go extinct like 99% of the other beings that have already existed upon this planet. Are we wise, or do we give into the subversive elements that want the people of Earth to go extinct? Are we capable of enough love to achieve, what should be achieved? Powerful defense like any great works take years and in some cases centuries or Milena to perfect the time is now, the place Earth, the race humans. Survival, Extinction or we don't care if we survive or go extinct are paradigms on this topic!
There has been suggestions that the reason why the people of Earth aren't a space power is because of souls here that don't want the human race to succeed. Meaning some people have implied that their are souls that want the people of Earth to go extinct or stay feeble, thus easier to conquer. The other thing is, how do we defend our selves when a large % of the population doesn't want to even believe space aliens exist (sort of strange). I wonder how many people would still deny that aliens exist even after they have been shown evidence (first hand evidance)? By pretending that criminals don't exist and leaving your house open, doesn't mean that you won't get murdered then robbed!
Human alien relations (Exopolitics)
"Without effective diplomacy every race becomes a threat" -Anti-Life
"Though to only rely on diplomacy without defense = an easy conquest" Exopolitics is the study of political relations between humans and extraterrestrial civilizations by those who believe that aliens exist and have already made contact. Public advocates for exopolitics have included former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer. Michael Salla, a former American University professor who runs the Peace Ambassador Program at the University's Center for Global Peace. Salla authored a book on exopolitics, and believes that a 1954 dentist appointment by U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower was a cover for a secret meeting with extraterrestrials.
Venus has a surface temperature on a hot day of 460 °C thus in order to make it habitual some form of cooling must be created accompanied with precipitation. Being that Mars is further from the sun then Earth it is colder, thus the core requires a drastic reactivation or pulled into the Habitual zone or eliciting some form of extreme green house effect. Though the question must be asked, if a country terraforms an entire planet, on its own, does that make it theirs? Well ethically speaking perhaps. Because they did put the work in, while other countries gave no assistance. Though to avoid problems, a wise space program/country would allocate small chunks of land to other countries that can improve the terrafomers existences.
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